1. Introduction

Laboratory Safety is a very important aspect of science. Without it, experimentation could result in very serious and intense injury, if not death, obviously. To reduce the risks involved with experimentation, there are certain procedures that we should all pursue as individuals and as a member of a group. It is important that the correct procedures and methods are used in various situations, when handling hazardous and risky or biological materials, when preparing, executing or cleaning up an experiment. It is also likewise that you understand how to identify and use emergency equipment and protective gear.Work in the laboratory requires ongoing attention and reinforcement of safety practices. Neglecting to take reasonable precautions may not only endanger your own life but the safety of those working with you.

2. Materials and methods


  1. We have searched for all the materials that are related to laboratory safety procedures, protective procedures, emergency procedures and chemical safety in selected laboratory.
  2. Then, we listed our observations including taking some pictures as proofs.


  1. Materials that we have used are all provided in the laboratory.

3. Results

List of protective procedure in lab and our observation.

  • All of us wore long pants and dresses.Nobody wore shorts or sandals.
  • All of us were wearing personal protective equipment (eye protection, coats, gloves; glasses may be preferred to contact lenses), and using such equipment in appropriate situations.
  • We used appropriate pipetting devices and understanding that mouth pipetting is forbidden.

We did not use mask and glove as the experiment was just involving distilled water.

  • We did not eat or drink in the laboratory.

List of emergency procedure in lab and our observations.

  • We located and properly used emergency equipment.
Fire extinguishers

Emergency Plan

First Aid Kit and Fire Blanket

Disposal Waste Bin

Emergency Hotline Number

Exit Sign

Washing Station 

Laboratory chemicals that we found are,

Hidrochloric acid

Sodium Hydroxide

Nitric Acid

Isopropyl Alcohol

4. Discussion

In our discussion, we realized that some laboratory emergency procedures such as wash station could not be used at first. And we also realized that some chemical substance label is blurred and we could not be confident about the status of those chemicals. These errors can be dangerous to us and also making our research not accurate. Other than that, all the safety precautions have been followed and 

the safe and good work culture in the laboratory should be continued .We also discussed about the importaness of laboratory safety in our daily life. We also discussed the danger that we could get without laboratory safety. 


We can conclude that laboratory safety is important in our life as a researcher. Without these guidelines, it can bring us serious damage to us and people around us. Afterall,our safety is the most important aspect to us.Other than that ,without laboratory safety,it will cost you so much to replace the broken apparatus. It will also waste your time and also making our researches inaccurate. We also can conclude that we should always make sure that these guidelines is followed by every individual that is related to laboratory in order to keep everyone safe.


a) S. (n.d.). Chemical Safety Signs – Hazardous Chemical Signs. Retrieved from

P. (n.d.). Laboratory Safety. Retrieved from


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